Motherhood is hard.
(It’s not just you.)
Online mental health resources to help you navigate motherhood with confidence and joy.
Online mental health resources to help you navigate motherhood with confidence and joy.
OK, here’s the deal: For most women, the idea of motherhood and the reality of motherhood don’t quite square up.
That’s because we spend nine months learning how to feed, bathe, clothe, and nurture a tiny human — and maybe 37 seconds thinking about how to navigate a whole new identity.
So we end up sucker-punched by all these not-especially-pleasant thoughts and feelings. And then, just for fun, we heap guilt on top of the whole mess.
But that’s not all.
To make things worse, no one seems to notice or care how we’re doing with all this stuff. As soon as our baby’s born, it’s like we disappear. Suddenly everything all about the baby. Which, if we’re honest, we sort of resent.
Which triggers more guilt. I mean what kind of mother resents…motherhood? (Raises hand).
Here’s the point: if you experience of motherhood right now is less “Oh, wow!” and more “Um…whoa,” you’re not alone.
And you’re in the right place.
Hey there!
I’m Ashurina, and I’m so glad you’re here.
When I first became a mom, I just didn’t feel like me anymore. I felt completely out of my depth — like I wasn’t cut out for this gig at all.
And because I was sure I was the only “terrible” mother experiencing these “awful” emotions, I didn’t know how to ask for help.
But I wasn’t the only mom who felt that way — and neither are you.
As a Certified Perinatal Mental Health Specialist, I’ve helped thousands of moms just like you (and me!) navigate this new role with confidence and joy.
If your first instinct is to argue with that, I’d love to help you:
Online Course: Keeping Mommy in Mind
The transition to motherhood can be tough — and you know what makes it tougher? When no one talks about how tough it is.
Keeping Mommy in Mind talks about it.
This online course and supportive community gives you a playbook for managing tough emotions, getting better sleep, navigating changing relationships, setting healthy boundaries, and lots more.
Free Resource: Navigating Touchy Topics
Get 46 Scripts for Tough Conversations with Your Partner — so you can feel connected, even as you navigate difficult conversations.
Stay Close Through Conflict
A 90-minute relationship tune-up to help you reconnect and stay that way.